SRD Enclosure Competition Final


Cheques totalling PLN 5,000 (Main Prize and Special Prize) and PLN 2,000 (Laureate) were handed over on April 12 at Salumanus headquarters during the official closing of the competition. Congratulations to the talented winners:

Main Prize (5000 PLN): Michał Pawlus and Jakub Kot

Special Prize (5000 zł): Maja Szymańska

Finalist (2000 zł): Jan Wilczak

We thank all the participants of the competition for interesting works that combine innovation, functionality and aesthetics. All submissions showed great potential and commitment to creating solutions in line with the principles of sustainable development.

Special thanks to Prof. Zbigniew Latała, head of the Laboratory of Industrial Design Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology, for his involvement in the jury's work and motivating young designers to work hard.

The competition “For Sustainable Networks” was organized in cooperation with the Cracow University of Technology.